Improve your chances of success with Alpha Gamma Solutions’ confidence boosting tips
Alpha Gamma Solutions believe that the more confident a person is the more chance they have of success, so the firm has revealed their key confidence boosting tips in order to aid success.
Sales and marketing firm, Alpha Gamma Solutions believes that confidence plays a huge role in someone’s ability to achieve success. Successful people often exude confidence, highlights the firm. Alpha Gamma Solutions believe it is obvious that successful people believe in themselves and this is vital as it takes confidence to reach for new challenges. The firm highlights how confident people are not afraid to leave their comfort zones which often leads to trying new things and being able to push for success. Alpha Gamma Solutions has revealed their 8 confident boosting tips:
Don’t get cocky
Alpha Gamma Solutions advises individuals to learn the difference between conceit and confidence. “Conceit is about bragging about yourself whereas confidence means you believe you can get the job done,” highlights the firm. Confidence is earned through hard work. “When your confidence exceeds your abilities, you’ve crossed the line into arrogance; know the difference,” states Alpha Gamma Solutions.
Say no
Research shows that the more difficulty a person has saying no, the more likely they are to experience stress and exhaustion, which tends to erode confidence. Confident people know that saying no is healthy and they have the self-esteem to make their no’s clear. When they have to say no, confident people avoid phrases including “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not certain.”
Get right with your boss
Alpha Gamma Solutions believe that a troubled relationship with leaders can be detrimental to even the most talented person’s confidence. The firm suggest identifying where the relationship went wrong and decide whether there’s anything that can be done to get things back on track.
Seek out small victories
Confident people like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories lead to increased motivation and confidence as well as eagerness to tackle future challenges. Alpha Gamma Solutions believe a series of small victories can boost a person’s confidence for months.
Find a mentor
Alpha Gamma Solutions believes that working with fellow talented, experienced people that can help guide the way and provide a pat on the back for a job well done can be a huge confidence boost. Knowledge breeds confidence and a mentor can help educate an aspiring entrepreneur on certain areas.
Schedule exercise
Research found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Better still, the immediate release of endorphins when exercising helped to fuel positivity and confidence. Alpha Gamma Solutions suggest scheduling exercise to help maintain confidence.
Dress for success
“Our appearance has a huge impact on how people see us but it also effects how we see ourselves,” reveals Alpha Gamma Solutions. Studies have shown that people speak differently when they’re dressed up compared to when they are in casual wear. The firm believe that, “to boost confidence you should dress well.”
Be assertive, not aggressive
Aggressiveness isn’t confidence; it’s bullying. Insecure people can often slip into aggressiveness without meaning to. The firm believe people should practice asserting themselves without getting aggressive.
Alpha Gamma Solutions is an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Leicester. The firm specialise in a personalised form of direct marketing which involves connecting with consumers face-to-face in order to encourage long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer. This often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.