Alpha Gamma Solutions Outlines 3 easy Goal Setting Techniques
To help people achieve more in 2016, sales and marketing firm Alpha Gamma Solutions have revealed their secrets on how to set positive and achievable goals.
Setting goals is a process that all business professionals must master if they are to achieve long lasting sustainability. In short, setting goals boosts a professional’s future by helping them to acquire new skills and experiences. Identifying goals and creating strategies to implement them is the first step to success. If a professional is to rise above their competition, setting goals is vital as it allows them to track their progress and move forward.
Alpha Gamma solutions believe that for entrepreneurs and business owners, this time of year is an important time for setting goals, as the plans put in place now can dictate the level of success they achieve in the coming months. Whilst setting goals can be a daunting process Alpha Gamma Solutions believe there are ways of making goal setting easier. To help professionals start 2016 on the right foot Alpha Gamma Solutions have revealed 3 easy goal setting techniques which if followed, can lead to business success.
- SWOT Analysis
When developing goals it’s important to analyse what it is that lies at the core. For a business or an individual, reviewing their Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) can provide clear insights into the next steps that need to be taken. The process of performing a SWOT analysis can help a professional maximise strengths and take advantage of all the opportunities within their grasp. Looking honestly at threats can also ready a professional for all potential eventualities and help them to improve their problem solving capabilities.
Once a SWOT analysis has been conducted a professional or business can begin to set goals in accordance to their SWOT results. Alpha Gamma Solutions recommends the SMART goal setting method, and believes that when developing goals, each goal should be:
Specific – Generalising goals can cause confusion and distract people from the desired outcome.
Measurable – Measuring goals and achievements is crucial for tracking current success and predicting future business outcomes.
Attainable – keep goals realistic. Working towards an impossible goal creates mental road blocks and harms motivation.
Relevant – it’s vital to consider the here and now when setting goals to ensure success in the current climate
Time-Specific – giving each goal a time frame will push a professional forward and prevent procrastination.
- Agile Approach
This approach can be a huge lifeline, especially to those who may not have followed the previous steps. Being agile allows for goals to be adapted and improved on which can help people overcome challenges brought about by poor goal setting. To rework existing goals the Alpha Gamma Solutions suggest asking the following questions:
Are these goals necessary? What are my intentions?
Why do I want to achieve them so badly?
How can I make these goals easier to accomplish?
Based in Leicester, Alpha Gamma Solutions is an innovative sales and event marketing firm that offer solutions designed to improve brand awareness and consumer engagement. Through face to face customer communication the firm help their clients to deliver a memorable and personalised experience, which fully takes into account each customer’s individual needs. This approach drives sales and raises overall customer loyalty.
Alpha Gamma Solutions already set some exciting goals for 2016. By the end of the year the firm hope to have completed a nationwide expansion and are confident that with the right strategies in place they will be successful in achieving this goal.